Founded in 1919, the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), began its first study of Incoterms® in 1923 as part of its initial efforts in facilitating international trade.
What's Incoterms, operative suggestions for the parties. Savitransport Global Logistics
Today we are talking to Mrs. Marina Mancini, Ocean Freight Manager at Savitransport HQ, about ocean freight exports to Australia.
The YICT (Yantian International Container Terminal) crisis has lasted almost a month. Yantian is the most important port terminal in Shenzhen
Today we have interviewed Mr. Andrea Scolari and asked him to briefly summarize the current situation regarding airfreight exports to the U.S.A., with particular focus on the fashion and footwear sectors; a market segment where Savitransport’s reputation as a strategic supplier is renowned.
Today we would like to look at an anomaly in the world of maritime shipping and that, particularly over the last two years, has become a trend with an ever-increasing incidence and impact: the Blank Sailing.
Savitransport Perfumes - Exclusive solutions for unique creations. Our adventure in the world of perfume logistics began just over a decade ago.
Shoei Kisen Kaisha, the Japanese owner of the Ever Given, has declared the ship to be in general average.
Much has changed in the 40 years that have passed from 1st April 1981.
What has remained firmly unchanged is our dedication to our clients.